New Universal Token Shop in Store

In the latest maintenance update for FC Mobile, EA has rolled out several notable changes that have left players both surprised and excited. One of the biggest updates was the temporary unavailability of PvP modes, which were disabled for about an hour. During this time, players were still able to log in and engage with other game modes. To compensate for this disruption, EA generously rewarded all players with a 91 OVR universal rank player, ensuring that the community remained engaged and satisfied.

However, the most significant addition following this maintenance was the introduction of the Universal Token Shop. This new feature has been added as a tab in the Recommended section of the store, offering players an entirely new way to utilize their universal tokens one of the game’s most versatile and valuable currencies.

Understanding Universal Tokens

Universal tokens in FC Mobile are a unique form of currency that players earn daily by participating in various competitive modes. These modes include VS Attack, Head-to-Head (H2H), and Manager Mode. The more you play, the more tokens you accumulate, providing a direct incentive to engage with these modes regularly.

In addition to PvP modes, universal tokens can also be earned through the Icon Chronicles event. This event features a series of skill games and matches, where players can earn tokens alongside other rewards. Universal tokens have always been a key resource, but their importance has been magnified with the introduction of the Universal Token Shop.

The Universal Token Shop: A New Way to Spend

Before the recent update, universal tokens were primarily used to open Division Rival reward packs. While this was a useful feature, it limited the ways players could spend their tokens. 

The new Universal Token Shop changes this dynamic entirely, offering a range of valuable rewards that cater to different player needs.

Rewards Available in the Universal Token Shop

10 Million Coins: For a modest cost of 1,000 universal tokens, players can now claim 10 million coins. This offer is especially enticing as it refreshes daily, meaning players can consistently exchange their tokens for coins, significantly boosting their in-game wealth over time. This option is ideal for players looking to improve their team by purchasing players or upgrading existing ones.

94-101 Mixed Version Player Pack: One of the more exciting rewards in the Universal Token Shop is the 94-101 Mixed Version Player Pack, which costs 3,000 universal tokens. This pack guarantees a player with an OVR between 94 and 101, offering a significant boost to any squad. However, players should note that this reward is limited to one per account, so it’s a one-time opportunity to strengthen your team with a high-caliber player.

96-101 Mixed Version Untradeable Player Pack: For those who have amassed a significant number of tokens, the 96-101 Mixed Version Untradeable Player Pack is an excellent choice. Priced at 1,500 universal tokens, this pack offers a player with an OVR between 96 and 101. Although the player obtained from this pack is untradeable, meaning it cannot be sold or exchanged, the high OVR makes it a valuable addition to any team. Like the previous pack, this reward is also limited to one per account.

91 OVR Universal Rank Player: Another accessible option in the Universal Token Shop is the 91 OVR Universal Rank Player. For just 500 universal tokens, players can claim this reward twice, making it a great way to quickly bolster your squad with reliable players. This option is perfect for those who are in the early stages of the game or need to fill gaps in their lineup.

Strategy and Considerations

The Universal Token Shop’s introduction has brought a new layer of strategy to FC Mobile. Players now need to decide how best to allocate their universal tokens to maximize their rewards. Given the daily refresh of the coin reward, there’s a strong incentive to log in and play regularly to ensure a steady income of tokens and coins.

Additionally, with the limited availability of the higher OVR player packs, it’s crucial to consider your current team needs before making a purchase. For some, the immediate boost from a 94-101 OVR player might be the best choice, while others might prefer to save tokens for the daily coin rewards to steadily build their financial resources.


The introduction of the Universal Token Shop in FC Mobile marks a significant enhancement to the game’s economy, offering players more flexibility and choice in how they spend their universal tokens. Whether you’re looking to accumulate coins, add high OVR players to your squad, or strategically save tokens for future rewards, the Universal Token Shop provides valuable opportunities that can have a lasting impact on your gameplay. As the game continues to evolve, features like this ensure that players are continually engaged, offering new ways to improve and enjoy their FC Mobile experience.