Star Pick Refreshed in Extra Time 

The much-anticipated STAR PICK pack in the Extra Time section has been refreshed with this Thursday's reset, bringing new excitement to EA SPORTS FC MOBILE. This pick offers players a chance to obtain untradable cards rated between 102 and 105 OVR from a selection of mixed-event players.

Cost and Requirements

To open the STAR PICK, players need 30,000 Extra Time Tokens. These tokens can be earned through exchanges by trading fodder cards.

Different OVR cards offer varying amounts of tokens, and there’s a daily limit on how many times players can trade their cards for tokens.

Make sure to monitor your daily exchange limits to maximize your chances of earning enough tokens before the pick expires!

What’s in the Pick?

This STAR PICK allows you to Choose 1 out of 4 cards after opening the pack.

The pool consists of players from different events, including the latest Winter Wonders cards.

Cards range from 102 to 105 OVR, with probabilities for each OVR mentioned in the info tab.


Why the Hype?

The community is buzzing about this refreshed STAR PICK for good reasons

It provides a chance to obtain high-value cards and max OVR players, including some of the most expensive and desirable cards in the game.

With only one opportunity to open this pack, players are sharing their excitement by showcasing their pulls.


Important Dates

This STAR PICK is available for five days, expiring soon.

The player pool will refresh again on January 9th, 2025, bringing another wave of excitement and new opportunities for players to test their luck.

This pick will also refresh again next Thursday, offering players another chance to open a fresh selection of cards.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve saved up Extra Time Tokens or have plenty of fodder cards to trade, now is the perfect time to go for this pack. Whether you’re chasing top OVR cards or looking to strengthen your squad, the STAR PICK offers one of the best chances to secure valuable players.

The FC MOBILE community is hyped about this opportunity, so don’t miss out! What did you pull from your STAR PICK? Share your luck and let others know!