Introducing the Watchlist

Your secret weapon to getting notified for when to buy and sell players

At Renderz, we’ve always aimed to empower FC Mobile players by providing early insights into upcoming players, as well as accurate refresh times. Now, with our latest feature Watchlist we’re taking things a step further to ensure you never miss out on key moments that can make or break your in-game strategy.

What is the Watchlist Feature?

In the ever-competitive world of FC Mobile, timing is everything. Whether you’re looking to maximize profits or a player simply wanting to enhance your squad, knowing exactly when players refresh can be a game-changer. That’s why we introduced the Watchlist.

This new feature, allows you to add specific players to your personal Watchlist. Once added, you can set precise reminders for refresh times, ensuring you’re always one step ahead.

Mockups of Watchlist

How Does It Work? Try it here

The process is simple and user-friendly

1. Add Players to Watchlist: Identify the players you’re most interested in and add them to your Watchlist.

2. Set Your Reminders: Customize your notifications. You can choose to be reminded at the exact refresh time or a bit earlier with options ranging from 5 seconds to 30 minutes before the refresh.

3. Receive Timely Notifications: Based on your settings, we’ll send you reminders so you can act precisely when needed whether it’s to buy a high-demand player or sell a player at the perfect moment.

Why It Matters

The FC Mobile market is highly competitive, with multiple users often vying for the same player at refresh times. Traditionally, this has made transactions challenging especially when you’re trying to sell a player at peak times or purchase a player before they’re snatched up by others. 

With Watchlist, those challenges are minimized. The timely notifications give you a competitive edge, making it easier to navigate the market and capitalize on the best opportunities. 

Whether you’re selling when the market is flooded or buying when demand is high, our Watchlist feature ensures you’re in the right place at the right time.

At Renderz, we believe that small advantages can make a big difference. Our new Watchlist feature is designed to give you those advantages, making your FC Mobile experience smoother and more successful.

Try the Watchlist right here