Market Pick Refreshed in FC MOBILE


Introduction to Extra Time and Daily Picks 

"Extra Time" has quickly become one of the most popular features in FC Mobile. Introduced a few months ago by EA, Extra Time provides access to exclusive in-game events that offer additional rewards and challenges. One of the first events that launched with Extra Time was the Daily Picks Event.

Daily Picks allows players to choose specific rewards from a set of pre-selected player options. There are currently four different pick types available

  • Free Pick
  • Daily Pick
  • Top Event Pick
  • Selected Players Pick

New Changes: Market Pick Refresh 

Originally, the Daily Picks event featured Top 50 Market Pick and Top 500 Market Pick. However, last month EA revamped the Market Picks with an update, replacing them with the Top Event Pick and Selected Players Pick. In addition, the cost for opening these picks was reduced, making them more accessible to players.

The update also introduced a fixed limit on the number of times these picks can be opened within the specified refresh periods:

Top Event Pick: Refreshes at a set time and costs 3000 Market Pick Tokens.

Selected Players Pick: Refreshes every week and costs 1000 Market Pick Tokens.

Each pick type has its own reward pool, cost, and refresh cycle. This refresh ensures that players always have something to look forward to when exploring the Daily Picks event.

Understanding the Reward System 

The interface is straightforward, with all pick options displayed on the left-hand side of the Daily Picks screen. Clicking on each option will provide players with a description of the offer, including the number of picks available, costs, and the refresh cycle for that specific offer. Once a purchase is made, the player can select from a set of reward options and confirm their choice. The selected reward is then sent to the player's inbox for collection.

How to Obtain Market Pick Tokens

To participate in these picks, players need to obtain Market Pick Tokens, which are required to make purchases. The tokens can be earned through the Daily Picks Exchange, accessible via the Exchange tab in the game’s navigation bar. By completing exchanges, players can stockpile tokens to use for their preferred pick type.

Excitement Surrounding the Selected Players Pick

The Selected Players Pick is one of the most exciting aspects of the event, allowing users a chance to pack 95-101 OVR players. Each week, this pick refreshes, providing players with new opportunities to acquire valuable and high-overall players that can either be used to strengthen their team or be sold in the market for coins.

As soon as the Thursday refresh happened, players began opening their Selected Players Pick, sharing their excitement on social media and community forums about the incredible cards they packed.


When opening this pick, five cards are displayed, and the player must choose one of them. Probability and OVR caps are listed, ensuring transparency in the rewards available.

Why Players love the Market Pick

The thrill of opening these picks lies in the potential to pull a high-value card that can either improve a user’s team or be sold for a significant amount of coins in the marketplace. Every Thursday, players eagerly anticipate the Selected Players Pick Refresh, as it gives them another opportunity to add valuable assets to their collection.


The Market Pick Refresh continues to be a highly anticipated feature in FC Mobile. The refresh of the Selected Players Pick every week ensures there’s always something new for players to look forward to. Whether it's improving their squad or making a profit in the market, players enjoy the weekly excitement this feature brings.