Patrick Vieira Player Review 


1. Pace

Vieira is the fastest central midfielder in the game, boasting impressive speed and acceleration. His pace is a key asset in both attacking and defensive situations. He can quickly advance the ball up the pitch, supporting offensive plays, and just as swiftly track back to help in defensive transitions, making him a dynamic presence in midfield.

2. Passing

Vieira excels in passing, delivering both short and long passes with remarkable accuracy. His passing ability ensures that he can control the tempo of the game, distribute the ball effectively, and set up teammates in advantageous positions. Whether it's a quick pass to maintain possession or a long ball to start a counter-attack, his passing is consistently reliable.

3. Physical Presence

Standing tall and strong, Vieira's physical presence is a significant advantage. His height and strength allow him to win aerial duels and dominate in one-on-one battles. Whether contesting headers or holding off opponents, Vieira's physicality is a key component of his game, making him a force to be reckoned with in midfield.

4. Defending

Defensively, Vieira is outstanding. His marking is precise, his tackling is aggressive and effective, and his defensive awareness is top-notch. He can break up opposition plays, intercept passes, and provide a solid shield in front of the defense. His ability to disrupt the opponent's attack makes him invaluable in a defensive midfield role

5. Shooting and Positioning

Vieira's shooting is another strong aspect of his game. He can score from a variety of positions, with powerful long shots and accurate finishing. His positioning is also excellent, allowing him to make well-timed attacking runs and quickly react to scoring opportunities. He is always in the right place at the right time, making him a consistent goal threat from midfield.

6. Vision and Versatility

Vieira's vision is exceptional, enabling him to dominate the midfield and dictate the flow of the game. He can play multiple roles, whether as a defensive midfielder (CDM) or as a more advanced box-to-box midfielder. His versatility allows him to adapt to different tactical needs, making him a valuable asset in any team setup.

7. Heading and Stamina

Vieira is a dominant force in the air, thanks to his powerful heading ability and the Power Header trait. He is a constant aerial threat during set-pieces, both defensively and offensively. Additionally, his excellent stamina ensures that he can maintain a high level of performance throughout the entire match, covering large areas of the pitch without tiring.


Agility and Dribbling

Due to his height, Vieira can feel a bit less agile on the ball. While he is a powerhouse in physical battles, his dribbling is not as smooth or quick as some of the more nimble midfielders. This slight lack of agility can make it challenging to maneuver in tight spaces or take on multiple defenders, making him less effective in situations that require quick, intricate dribbling.


Vieira is an elite central midfielder who excels in multiple aspects of the game, from his exceptional pace and passing to his defensive prowess and physical presence. His versatility allows him to fulfill various roles, whether as a CDM or an advanced midfielder, making him a crucial player in any tactical setup. While his dribbling may be less agile due to his height, his overall impact on the game more than compensates for this minor drawback. If you're looking for a dominant midfielder who can control the game on both ends of the pitch, Vieira is a top choice.

Rating: 9.5/10